En este blog te dejamos frases básicas que te ayudarán a saludar, ordenar comida y comprar en inglés.
Greetings, different ways to greet or say hello:
Hello: This is the most common and general way to greet someone. You can use it in any situation.
Hi: It's an informal version of "hello" and is also very common in everyday situations.
Good morning: Specifically used in the morning until around 12 noon.
Good afternoon: Used from around 12 noon until 6 in the evening.
Good evening: Used from 6 in the evening until midnight.
Good night: Used when saying goodbye before going to sleep or when retiring for the night.
Different ways to say how are you:
How are you? This is the most common and straightforward way to ask
How are you doing? Another casual and friendly way to inquire about someone's
How's it going? A more informal and relaxed way to ask how someone is doing.
Remember, when someone asks you, you can respond with phrases like:
I'm good.
I'm fine, thank you.
Not bad.
I'm well, and you?
Different ways to order food in a restaurant:
Can I have...? This is a polite way to start your order.
Example: "Can I have the chicken sandwich, please?"
I would like... Another polite way to express your order.
Example: "I would like a Caesar salad, please."
May I order...? A more formal way to ask for something.
Example: "May I order the spaghetti carbonara?"
What do you recommend? If you're unsure about what to order, you can ask the server for their suggestion.
Example: "What do you recommend for a vegetarian dish?"
Could I get the bill, please? When you're finished and ready to pay, use this phrase to ask for the check.
Example: "Could I get the bill, please?"
Remember to say "please" and "thank you" to be polite
Different expressions to use when you are shopping:
Where is the nearest mall? - Asking for the location of the closest shopping center.
I'm looking for a [specific item]. - Stating that you are searching for a particular item
How much does this cost? - Inquiring about the price of a specific item.
Do you have this in a different color/size? - Asking if the item is available in alternative colors or sizes.
Can I try this on? - Requesting permission to test or wear a clothing item in the fitting room.
I'll take it. - Expressing the decision to purchase the item.
Where is the fitting room? - Asking for the location of the area where customers can try on clothes.
Do you accept credit cards? - Inquiring whether the store accepts payment via credit cards.
Is there a sale or discount today? - Asking if there are any promotions or discounts currently available.
Can I get a receipt, please? - Requesting a document as proof of purchase.
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